Slow Motion Video of Falmouth’s Color Run
Watch an explosion of color in Falmouth in slow motion!
A couple of fun facts. When you take a slow motion video on your iPhone and you screw it up because it doesn't start immediately - you can fix it! Because truth be told, I screwed up the video of this Color Run in Falmouth on September 29.
But then, someone showed me how to fix it and it's amazing! The explosion is perfect and watching the little kids reaction is priceless. Watch for some of them to totally get into it, while others duck and hide their face. Super cute.
Great day for a getting covered in colored corn starch in packets! People walked away covered. In fact, I ran into someone later in the day and they asked if I was at the color run. I believe the green on my shoe gave me away, but the blue on their face totally gave it away! It was all to benefit the Falmouth Education Foundation and was a huge success!