I plugged money in the meter in Portland, but was about 4 minutes over. Ahhhh, man - the sight I hate. A ticket. I think that's a ticket...

But alas, it was not. In fact, it was the opposite of a ticket. It was driving tips. Mmmmm.


Your basic stuff. Look for walkers, don't runner over people walking and drive the speed limit so you don't get like a crazy person driving aggressively.

Then I flipped it over and MORE safety tips!


This time it was for the pedestrian. Again, common sense stuff. Be alert, look around and get off your phone!

I was so grateful this wasn't a ticket, I damn near hit a pedestrian.

Calm down...I'm kidding. I'm a very safe driver. With more tourists on the road, be on the look out. It's the pedestrians and bikers that ya really need to be on the look out for.  Now...roll the windows down and crank the Q!

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