If you are looking for a place to remember, honor, and reflect on the events of September 11, 2001, then the Portland 9/11 memorial may be the perfect place to go. The memorial is at Fort Allen Park on Portland's Eastern Promenade.
September 11, 2001. A day in history, not unlike December 7, 1941 (Pearl Harbor) or November 22, 1963 (JFK Assassination). These are the days of infamy that beg the question "Where were you?"
David Jordan is just one of thousands of firefighters and loved ones who are climbing hundreds of stories this September to honor first responders on 9/11.
According to the Bangor Daily News, even though our Maine State I.D. is not in compliance with Real I.D. yet, we can still use it to fly within the U.S. because Maine was given a one year extension that expires on October tenth.
Keira understood, and felt awful for her mistake. So bad, that she wrote a sorry letter to the police and asked to meet with them. In the letter she wrote "I am sorry for calling 911.
A lot of people on September 11th don't know how to help...how to pay tribute to those that were killed. Remember those who lost their lives by helping to save one - donate blood!
September 11th, 2001 was a Tuesday. Every Tuesday since...rain or shine, the Freeport Flag Ladies wave flags on Main Street in Freeport - so we never forget.