In Maine, we have a need for speed. Nowhere is this more evident than on a particular stretch of road where you can push your speedometer to the limits.
75 years later, the Maine Turnpike speed limits are higher, the highway is wider, and tolls are collected electronically. It wasn't always that way, though.
If you've ever been caught in traffic on the Maine Turnpike crossing over the Piscataqua River Bridge between Maine and New Hampshire, this is good news.
It seems to as I drive on the Maine Turnpike, I-295, and any highway with an on-ramp in Maine, that drivers do know the proper way to get onto the highway.
Driving home after a full day of Water Country, we came upon something so moving - we stopped the DVD in the car and made the kids look. We all had goosebumps. We had no idea it was the tribute for fallen soldier Corey Dodge from Dexter, Maine.