Maine is Home to The Largest Jellyfish Species in The World
My jaw dropped learning about this.
WATCH: Jellyfish at Ferry Beach in Saco
I only like seeing jellyfish in an aquarium and for some reason, Maine has a ton of them lately.
Massive Jellyfish Washes Up On Peaks Island Beach Over Holiday Weekend
A family in Maine was stunned when they saw a massive Lion's mane jellyfish had washed ashore Peaks Island beach
Huge Jelly Fish Found On Old Orchard Beach
Imagine walking along Old Orchard Beach enjoying the scenery when you spot something a little unusual. That's what happened to Marc Bourassa, a longtime resident of Old Orchard Beach. Marc says he spotted a giant jelly fish in the Camp Ellis Bay View Area of Saco, Maine while walking along the beach.
Maine Seeing More Giant Stinging Jellyfish Than Normal This Year
The Lion's Mane jellyfish can grow tentacles up to 100 feet long, and they're washing up on shore left and right.