Okay, if we're being honest here, goats are perfect for all ages. However, it's for the kids this time at one of Maine's very well-known farms called Smiling Hill Farm.
Thanks to the 4H Rabbiteers you'll be able to cuddle with cute little fuzzy bunnies for a couple hours Sunday afternoon. They'll also be on hand to answer any bunny questions you may have and some of the bunnies will be available for adoption if you should fall in love with one, or 2.
What better way to fall in to the autumn season than a wagon ride across fields and through the woods, not to grandmothers house, but to the pumpkin patch to pick your pie sized pumpkin.
Smiling Hill Farm has some adorable baby goats that need a little handling to help socialize them. You can take part in Baby Goat Snuggling Sessions every Tuesday night from 6 to 7, for as long as the weather is good and the kids are little...
Now that the holiday is good and gone it's time to get your Christmas out of the house. The goats at Smiling Hill Farm are more than happy to eat your tree, and the trees are good for them too. Christmas trees provide the goats with lots of vitamin C and the trees are a real treat for them...