The monstrous ship anchored in Portland Harbor isn't a new ferry service to Canada. It's not a cruise ship loaded with hundreds of tourist passengers. It's not even a Coast Guard vessel, despite the military appearance of the navy blue hull. The massive gigayacht currently anchored in front of Fort Gorges in Portland Harbor is actually one of the world's largest private yachts.

Kylie Queen/
Kylie Queen/

Le Grand Bleu's current owner is Eugene Shvidler, a Russian-American businessman who built his wealth in oil. He received Le Grand Bleu as a gift from his business partner Roman Abramovich in 2006. The original owner, who designed the massive ship for himself in 2000, was American businessman and telecommunications tycoon John McCaw Jr.

Kylie Queen/
Kylie Queen/

Le Grand Bleu is among the top 25 largest yachts in the world, measuring in at 371-feet long. Here's a comparison for you -- The CAT, the Maine to Nova Scotia ferry that has a capacity of 700 passengers and 200 cars, is only about 350-feet long. According to, Le Grand Bleu carries a crew of 35 and can accommodate 20 guests for a "relaxed luxury yacht experience".

Kylie Queen/
Kylie Queen/

On closer inspection of the impressive vessel, you'll see several decks and lounge areas at water level, including this sitting area on the aft-most deck of the ship. Behind the comfy couches and you'll see an enormous fish tank. Staircases connect the multiple levels of decks and windows with many of their shades drawn wrap around the cabins. All that can be seen of the interior is some elaborate wood paneling near a dock on the starboard side.

Kylie Queen/
Kylie Queen/

The yacht boasts two more yachts stored on it's aft deck, including a 73-foot sail boat and a 68-foot powerboat. You know, for when you want to leave your gigayacht to hang out on a smaller but still generously sized yacht. The yacht has also been photographed in other ports with a helicopter on top. The helicopter was missing on Sunday, August 7, 2017, when these photos were snapped in Casco Bay. The owner was probably just flying to Hannaford real quick for some essentials.

Kylie Queen/
Kylie Queen/

The gigayacht claimed the attention of many local boaters on Sunday after the thick Atlantic fog rolled out of town overnight. It's hard to miss the thing as it's anchored between the East End and immediately in front of Fort Gorges. At some angles the ship totally obscures the view of the historic fort. This isn't the first time Le Grand Bleu has blocked a historic landmark. In fact, the ship garnered media attention and local criticism when it was anchored in New York Harbor obstructing views of The Statue of Liberty.

Kylie Queen/
Kylie Queen/

You can track the position and travels of Le Grand Bleu online. For now, waves continue to break on the hull of this enormous private yacht in Casco Bay.

View full size images of Le Grand Bleu in the gallery below.

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