This year's lobster catch was expected to be a giant bust with China's tariffs and the market's flooding with Canada's product, plus the biggest culprit, COVID-19. However, that misnomer proved to be false as local orders. Homegrown organic shopping at supermarkets right here in Maine in New England made the numbers what they needed to be for lobsterman to get by. Bruce Fernald, a lobster fisherman for 40 years in the area, told CBS 13 that he thought the price for lobster would be next to nothing after restaurants began shutting down. However, looking at the numbers, he saw a little bit of a trend that gave him hope.

"A lot of people are having their lobster at home instead of going out to a restaurants, and that has helped big time. Tourist season in Maine really picked up, that helped a lot," Fernald said. "Keep having lobsters for dinner, or lobster rolls for lunch, or whatever, keep the product moving."

It is definitely good for the lobster industry in Maine, although selfishly, I was hoping the prices would drop as well so I could have a lobster every night of the week; I'm glad these fishermen are still putting food on the table for their families. Let's all continue to support the lobster industry in this state through the upcoming months so we can keep it alive in these challenging times.


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