Uncle Nicky Finally Visits The Q Morning Show In Person!
Uncle Nicky has been an unofficial 4th member of The Q Morning Show for a number of years now.
Every Friday we get to talk to Lori's real-life uncle with the segment Coffee With Uncle Nicky.
In typical Voornas fashion, he always has some ridiculous story to share or commentary on the world around us. (And that's just the stuff we can put on the air.)
Uncle Nicky was originally supposed to come in 2020 but, well, you know what happened. So this visit was definitely a long time coming.
Of course, Aunt Barb came too as well as a crew of other Voornases...Vornai...?
Friday started with Uncle Nicky making his in-studio debut. Tons of listeners called in to let him know how loved he is and how much people love listening to his stories each week.
Then the party moved to the patio for the big brunch lobster bake. Big thanks to Ethan at Portland Lobster Company for the grub. We were even joined by a group of Uncle Nicky's biggest fans and we all had a blast.
Especially Uncle Nicky who loved all the attention. Between eating corn on the cob deep down into the cob, of course!.
Check out the pictures of all the fun!