A couple of things happened to me this past weekend and, well...call it therapy for me - I had to get them off my chest. The first thought is about bowling balls, and it's all Brenda's fault!Brenda Broder from Amore Styles is not only a friend, but she's my hair stylist. As she is 'washing the gray right out of my hair' she starts telling me about her night out bowling with her boyfriend Mike. She went to a new place that serves food and you share tables and bowl the night away. Fun! But a couple of things disturbed her and now they disturb ME!

One gentleman picked his nose - and bowled. Other people were ordering chicken wings - and bowled. This led her to think 'WHAT'S IN THOSE HOLES?' I have never ever thought about it. Ever! And now, I'm pretty sure she has ruined bowling for me!

The second thing that happened to me, made me realize I may be loosing it.

which car is mine

Leaving work on Friday I tried desperately to get into the car on the right. I OWN THE CAR ON THE LEFT! Oh, I tried and tried too. Don't worry, I figured it out...eventually.

Then a highlight to my weekend was having dinner with my girlfriends Wayne and Scott. Well, actually having dinner with Scott as we watched Wayne work! He is a waiter at Rustler's Steak House in Windham. We haven't seen our boys in so long, having dinner with one and watching the other work was close enough. But God love Wayne...I mentioned how much I loved the dinner rolls and the next thing I know - he brings me this!

32 delicious dinner rolls!

I took out 8 rolls - so add that and tell me - how many do you think he gave me? Hover over the picture for the answer. He truly is in training to be a Jewish mother. I love my boys.

These are the things that rattle around in my brain. How was your weekend?

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