Guess what? There was yet another shark sighting, and this time, it was off of Harpswell, according to the town's Facebook page. 

The town put out an advisory and stated that people should probably wade in ankle-deep water and kayakers and canoers should probably choose another area for recreation.

Julie Dimperio Holowach, 63, of New York City was attacked recently by a great white shark in Maine and lost her life. She was survived by her daughter who was swimming with her at the time and was left uninjured. 

This is also the third shark sighting this week inside the Casco Bay area and around the islands. 

On average there are 16 shark attacks in the US every year with a death every two years possibly, according to National Geographic. As you can see, they are rather rare. 

People in Maine are still shaken by the incident that took place earlier this week, and the more frequent shark sightings haven't made things easier. 

Does this mean we shouldn't go to the beach, our only refuge from COVID-19? The answer is no we should not be afraid to go to the beach as the authorities have put out a notification saying to not go past ankle-deep water or even waist-deep in some cases. 

Just because there are shark sightings, there are plenty of places that have beaches where sharks have been known to frequent that pedestrians or bystanders do not get attacked. You just have to maintain the proper safety standards. 

Remember the ocean is where sharks live and we have to be mindful of our surroundings. 

10 Most Dangerous Critters in Maine


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