We've all been there. You get done doing your business and turn to grab the toilet paper to find an empty roll and none to replace it with. After you curse out the person who was in before you, don't grab just any substitute or you'll pay for it later. 

What do you do? There's no toilet paper in the house so you're stuck. You have to call out to someone to come help, or worse....well....let's not go there.

There are some things you might do, but according to Hiller Plumping there are even more things you should NOT do to finish up your business here.

1. Don't use paper towels

This is the first and obvious substitute. Have you ever seen those commercials that show how much water a paper towel can absorb and how strong they are? Some can hold a bowling ball! That's trouble for your septic system.

2. Don't use cotton balls

Just because it's cotton and a lot of toilet paper is made from cotton, doesn't mean cotton balls are safe either. They'll clump together and clog your system. Don't do it.

3. Facial tissue

It looks like toilet paper. It feels like toilet paper. The problem is it's a lot stronger than toilet paper. You need another option.

4. Feminine products

So this doesn't have anything to do with missing toilet paper, but it should be known that flushing that tampon down the toilet means it will expand. A lot. Throw it away. Don't flush it.

There are other things you can do instead like make reusable cloth paper to keep handy or rinse with a peri bottle. 

Yeah, you know what? Why don't you just buy stock in Cottenelle and be sure to have an ample supply always ready.


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