Are These The New Plastic Bags?
Walking around Portland I was shocked how many masks I saw...and not on people.
I'm not a big fan of littering. Never have been. I've always found it to be just plain lazy. With plastic bags, it became such a problem that you now have to pay a nickle to have the bag to help cut down on how many are flying around. But now, after seeing at least a dozen masks on the ground, I'm wondering - are masks the new plastic bag? Will we get a nickle for everyone we turn in? Because I would have made some change!
This mask was found on Commercial Street in Portland. But wait...there's more.
Down Commercial Street heading up Munjoy Hill, here's yet another one. I started thinking that maybe it just fell off, or out of a pocket. But there were too many. And not all the crappy blue ones. Some looked homemade.
Near the Eastern Prom this was one that looks homemade. Want to walk Back Cove? Be prepared to see a lot of masks along the this one.
Or this one...
Or the other 6 masks I saw...
Why? I won't even get into the whole wear it / don't wear it debate that sparks WAY too much passion. If you choose to wear a mask, hang onto it, or throw it away properly.