Competing ‘Radio Station’ Spreading Lies About Q97.9 Personalities
If you haven't heard of Maine's 107.3 The Eagle radio station, you aren't alone. They however have heard of Q97.9 and decided to slander three of our DJ's, including me, in what we can only assume is an effort to boost their already minuscule ratings.
They decided to spread vicious rumors about me, Ryan Gavin and Rob Steele. Legal action had to be taken in the matter and when it was settled they posted this statement on their Facebook page.
I can only speak for myself, but I can assure you I have never had sexual relations with an ostrich. I wouldn't even know where to find one. I'm pretty sure Ryan 'Garvin' is too young to have videotaped anything and 'Ron' Steele has never been to Macedonia because I don't think he or I could even find it on a map.
"Ok Google." BEEP. "Where is Macedonia?"
Oh, here it is.
So back off 107.3 The Eagle and play nice. We've never once slandered any of your radio personalities. In fact, we tried real hard but couldn't even find you on the dial. Does anyone listen to you guys?
Disclaimer: Maine's 107.3 The Eagle is a fictional radio station and their Facebook page is satirical, created to poke some fun at the radio business, and we absolutely love it. You may also enjoy one of their major advertisers, or possibly their only advertiser, New Maine News.
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