Drunk Driver Takes Out 6 Parked Cars in Portland
A driver struck six parked vehicles on Commercial Street in Portland Wednesday night and police are saying it's one of the one of the worst crashes they've seen in years.
The driver hit the vehicles that were parked near the intersection of Commercial Street and Custom House Wharf around 8:30 Wednesday night. The driver was ejected from the vehicle from the centrifugal force of the vehicle going into a spin after colliding with the parked vehicles. Police said that speed and alcohol were contributing factors to the crash.
News Center Maine reports that some of the parked vehicles had people inside them, but luckily no one had any life threatening injuries including the driver, whose name has not been released as of this writing.
Police have not said yet if the driver will face charges, but I think it's safe to assume that if alcohol was in fact involved that there will be plenty of charges headed their way.