Through a penny drive, the kids and staff at Sanford Jr. High school collected 4,600 dollars to recognize remarkable 9-year-old Brooke. I was invited to be part of the ceremony...

Sanford Junior High School celebrates National Pay it Forward Day and kindness in general. As principal Pam Lydon said,

It is our responsibility to make this world a happy place to be and the only way to do that is to take care of each other, and be kind to one another.


This year they honored 9-year-old Brooke Piawlock. The Piawlock's have had such a challenging year. Mom, Yvonne, was driving this past December, when slippery roads caused her to lose control of the SUV.

Brooke's dad and sister, Jospeh and Paige Piawlock, were killed. Brooke and Yvonne were injured and their lives were forever changed.

The kids and community at Sanford Jr. High School worked so hard to try and get them some things to make their summer better. They were able to give them some really fun things:

  • Olympia Sports gift card
  • Salt Pump Climbing Company private session
  • Dunkin' Donuts gift card
  • Sea Dog Restaurant gift card
  • Kohl's gift card
  • 4 tickets to Funtown

And thanks to Around the World Travel, tickets to Disney World and a stay at a Disney Resort.

They were so moved, as was everyone in the entire gym. They really wanted to show this incredible girl that they care and that Brooke and her mom are in their thoughts.

I was so honored to be invited to be a part of this incredible morning...

Sanford Jr. High School
Sanford Jr. High School

That's Brooke to my right and some of her friends and family.

Here's to a bright future Brooke and for reminding all of us to Pay if Forward.


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