It Might Be In The 80’s This Week In Portland, But The City Is Searching For Its Christmas Tree Already
It's never too early to be dreaming about Christmas, and the City of Portland agrees!
Each year, the folks at Portland Downtown work with the City to select a Christmas Tree for Monument Square.
Portland Downtown told MPBN this week that they're already on the hunt for this year's tree. They say the plan is to light it up on November 24th to kick off the holiday season.
Portland's famous Christmas Tree is displayed in each year in Monument Square, and is a local tree.
According to MPBN, Portland's tree must be from Portland, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough, Gorham, Westbrook, Falmouth, Cumberland or Yarmouth. They also say it must be an evergreen, spruce or fir tree that is at least 45-60 feet tall.
Know anyone with a tree that fits the description? It could be Portland's new Christmas Tree!