Leash Your Dog in Public in South Portland and Portland
South Portland and Portland have new regulations about Fido in public places.
According to the Portland Press Herald, officials have put in place new leash laws during the civil emergency because of the coronavirus outbreak.
South Portland's new ordinance starts 9 a.m. Friday. You will need to have your dog on a leash on public streets and parking lots, in Mill Creek Park and on the Greenbelt Walkway. This in effect from 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. And of course, you have to stay at least six feet away when walking.
Portland put similar restrictions in place that says you have to have your dog leashed in all public spaces between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. in all public spaces. That does include areas where you could before have your dog off leash.
There's no evidence right now that pets could spread the virus, but the CDC has recently said that you should treat your pet like another household members and shouldn't hang out with other people or animals outside the home.
Both new leash ordinances will stay in effect as long as the civil emergency ends. It's been a source of controversy for Portland - and it's another sacrifice in these unsure times.