Maine Attraction is the only water-ski show team in Maine.


It's a family-oriented organization, and the team has been performing unique, entertaining and wicked skilled water ski shows for over 30 years. They have performed for crowds of all sizes at the Number One Pond in Sanford. It's free, but they do take donations. They don't require them, but they are a non-profit and the donations help with upkeep of equipment and outfits.  Maine Attraction puts on an amazing show with traditional and barefoot water skiing, human pyramids, jumps and a whole ton more!

The current team has skiers as young as 7 and as old as 60.

Maine Attraction Water Ski Show Team - Facebook
Maine Attraction Water Ski Show Team - Facebook


For the first time they hosted the Eastern Region Championship. There were teams from New Jersey and New York and yup, the team from little ol' Sanford won.


Now, that I got you all excited, I have good news and bad news. Let's start with the bad news. They perform Thursday nights at Number One Pond in July. That's bad, because that's over. But the good news is that with all this rain, you can catch another free show Monday, August 2.

If you are willing to travel a bit, or be patient, you've got a few more times to catch this amazing show!

  • Saturday, August 14th, 2021 2:00 pm, Oquossoc Day Festival, Rangeley Lake, Oquossoc, Maine
  • Saturday, August 21st, 2021 3:00 pm, Alton Bandstand Festival, Alton Bay, Alton, New Hampshire
  • Monday, September 6th, 2021 4:00 pm, Number One Pond, Sanford, Maine, Labor Day

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Sometimes images are the best way to honor the figures we've lost. When tragedy swiftly reminds us that sports are far from the most consequential thing in life, we can still look back on an athlete's winning moment that felt larger than life, remaining grateful for their sacrifice on the court and bringing joy to millions.

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