My Opinion Counts!
Look out people. It appears that the confidence of America is in MY hands!
Apparently I was randomly picked to fill out the U.S. Consumer Confidence Survey, conducted on behalf of The Conference Board.
This survey has been conducted for 51 years and my answers will 'provide valuable insights...'
The survey is 21 questions. They range from 'How would you rate the present general business condition in your area?' to 'What is this person's age' (the one filling out the survey - me!).
There is an essay question too: 'During the past month, what would you say has impacted your view of the U.S. economy?'
It also came with two crisp one dollar bills. I have no idea why, but that helped my confidence. I just need to fill out about 2,000 more surveys, and I will be in good shape!