Want a rose? Want to pay it forward? Look for people hitting the street with tons of roses Wednesday morning in Monument Square. Why?


The reason is great...because people like flowers. Diversified Communications and Fiddleheads Flowers and Gifts will be hitting the streets on Wednesday morning, February 10, from 8-10, passing out hundreds of individual rose bouquets to Portland commuters.

You don't get one rose...you get two: one to keep, and one to "petal forward" to someone else. How nice to see! 20-25 people from the companies will be meeting at 8 am in Monument Square on Wednesday, armed with tons of flowers! They'll spread out from there to the Arts Districts, Old Port, and other downtown areas.

If you are approached...just accept the nice gesture. As Lora Burns from Diversified Communications says,

Sometimes the best reason to send or give flowers is no reason at all.



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