I don't know what to tell you. Dreams come true? Everything is achievable? You will probably have to answer the call of nature after reading this because that's what I did.
Yes, I just admitted that I may've lightly peed my pants.
Yesterday was better than the Super bowl...
I taught Joe Rogan and comedian Hannibal Buress how to charge a cell phone with a 9 volt battery. From their comments, they were concerned with my safety.
Did you know Lori can play the drums? Okay, so she may not be the best drummer out there, but she got behind a drum kit at her wedding reception 7 years ago to play.
If you listened to The Q Morning Show on Thursday, then you already know the result of our latest round of Pie Face. Still, we couldn't resist another slow-motion instant replay video of this crazy fun (also, crazy stressful) game.