Watch The Q Morning Show Play Reporters on The Nite Show
When The Nite Show With Danny Cashman brought their show to Westbrook, they were kind enough to ask Lori, Jeff and Lou to be a part of it. Far be it from us to say no.
The taping was free to attend at the Westbrook Performing Arts Center and guests included former Governor John Baldacci and a former warmup comedian from The Late Show with David Letterman. Lori was a little disappointing we weren't actual guests, but she already had her chance and passed.
The Q Morning Show was part of a skit with Danny that was a press conference and we were there to ask Danny questions with a whole bunch of actual Maine reporters. We were kind of out of our element, but we managed to pull it off.
On Saturday, April 28th, singer songwriter Paula Cole will be a guest on the second show taped at the Westbrook Performing Arts Center. Catch it at 7:30 on CBS 13 and at 10:30 on Fox 23.