Win a 60-Second Christmas Office Party From the Q Morning Show
No Christmas office party this year? Or does it just...well, blow? We'll pack more in 60 seconds than you can imagine!
The Q Morning Show will roll into your office with:
- Christmas music
- a beautiful sandwich platter from Sam's Italian Foods. Treat your family or office to any of their delicious treats this holiday season! Visit any one of their 13 locations today! Sam's Italian Foods - Courtesy, Quality and Service Since 1939!
- mini Christmas tree (we're taking it with us)
- tinsel and snow (we're leaving may want to vacuum)
- Christmas presents (Q stuff...bumper stickers, koozies, frisbees..ya to us)
We will throw 2 60-second Christmas office parties. Friday 12/14/18 and Wednesday 12/19/18!
It will be the most festive minute of the season! Ho, ho, ho!