York County, Maine, is Home to a Wonderfully Unique Group of Craft Breweries
Maine's craft beer industry is an absolute giant.
As of this publishing, there are over 100 breweries in the state. In 2019, Maine had the second-highest brewery per capita number (9.6) in the country.
This leads to two conclusions: Mainers love beer and local businesses.
This state was built to be a craft beer oasis. The culture, tourism, and support of everything local is basically an ethos for a craft brewery hotspot. And the numbers don't lie.
With so much wonderful beer in state, I thought it would be fun to focus on one region and highlight the breweries there.
With that being that case. here is an entire list of the breweries in Maine's southernmost county, York. It's a good stepping stone for Maine's beer scene. The popular county is loaded with attractions, lodging, outstanding dining, and good beer.
York County breweries like can be found in the tourist-rich coastal towns. SoMe Brewing and York Beach Beer Company are good examples of these. They can also be seen in the river cities, like Banded Brewing and Blaze Brewing in Biddeford. And, like any good Maine county, there's even a few hidden gems off the beaten path, like Funky Bow and Gneiss Brewing. It's a fun and diverse beer county.
Some of these breweries are barely a few years old, while others are some of the true veterans of the Maine beer scene. It's a very unique group.
You can see the group below. And, if you want to find out more about Maine's great craft breweries, you can visit the Maine Brewer's Guild online.