Facebook Post Leads to NH Hiker’s Rescue in Snowy Mountains
Facebook is known far and wide as an addictive way to stalk your exes or fight about politics with strangers, but one New Hampshire hiker can thank the online platform for potentially saving his life.
According to WBZ news in Boston, 25-year-old Robert Cummings of Loudon, New Hampshire was hiking Mount Lafayette Friday morning when he encountered whiteout conditions and lost track of trail markers. The wind blew his map out of his hands and he was out of options when a phone call to 911 wouldn't go through. As a last-ditch effort, Cummings posted a plea for help to facebook with his general location and built a snow cave to hide out from the storm until rescue came.
“Send help, stuck by cairn on Old Bridle in alpine between hut and Lafayette Summit. Wind took map and compass white out conditions” his post read.
Several of Cummings' friends saw the post and called the Department of Fish and Game, who set out to retrieve Cummings from the mountains. Fish and Game got a brief phone call through to Cummings, allowing just enough time for searchers to get his GPS coordinates.
More than 14 hours after he set out on his hike and six hours after his Facebook post, Cummings was found by rescuers. A couple hours after that, he was safely back at the base of the mountain and recovering from his harrowing experience.
“As a reminder, winter conditions have arrived in the White Mountains,” a statement from Fish and Game read. For tips on staying safe, visit hikesafe.com and always be aware that weather conditions can change in a heartbeat.