The language used in this video is VERY harsh - please be advised.


Apparently the woman in this car arguing with the worker has done this before. People have said that she has a history of complaining about food at this particular drive-thru and wanting either money back or something new.

But truly, this short video is appalling. Not just for the horrible language used, but that anyone would think that it's okay to speak to another human being this way. Kerry Crenshaw Walden, who put this on her Facebook page is shocked! You've been warned.

This video has gone viral. Part of that could be because this is in Maine! This doesn't happen in Maine! Even if your order was completely screwed up, it happens. They don't do it on purpose, it's a human error. So be a human when getting it corrected! The good news is that these stories are not as prevalent as the stories about outstanding Mainers.

Note to Karen - this is unacceptable and you owe that employee an apology.


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