Portland Area Police Chiefs Meet And Discuss Current Climate
Last night on night number six of the Portland Protest, the Police Chief made an appearance on the steps of Portland Police HQ. There was conversation back and forth, and the crowd asked chanted, "Take a knee! Take a knee! Take a knee!" Referring to the protest of former NFL Quarterback Colin Kapernick.
Around 6:45 pm, Chief Clark indeed took that knee as a showing of solidarity and empathy with the protesters. The crown cheered as for the first time; there was some semblance of common ground.
In a joint press conference, Portland-area Police Chiefs talked about what it would take to make real change? Yarmouth Police Chief Dan Gallant said.
"We recognize change starts with us.."
When asked her thoughts, Westbrook Police Chief Janine Roberts commented.
"We want to work with you;(minority citizens) we want to make sure your voices are heard. We are here; you serve you."
The police chiefs did agree that it is a small group of individuals who are going to the protest to hijack and create destruction.
There is another protest scheduled this afternoon at 4 pm in Monument Square Portland.