The Alternative To A Crappy Father’s Day Gift Is?
If your family is looking to celebrate Father's Day in a healthy way? How about bike riding and kite flying at Sheppard's Farm Reserve in Norway at 10 am. Put all the kid's in the Family SUV and pack your picnic baskets and enjoy the great outdoors with dear old dad. I know you are thinking right now, "Kwame, why would we want to do that?" I must ask in response, what was the plan you had for the day anyway, Father's Day is usually the forgotten Holiday. So why not just spend time outdoors in some fresh air, with good old dad, instead of awkwardly sitting inside while who opens the box, that has the same tie that you bought him a year before because you forgot to buy something and you went into his closet to regift him. You assume that he forgot, but he remembers.