Comedian T.J. Miller Coming to Co-Host Maine’s Krissy in the Morning on Q97.9
Tomorrow is going to be the best day of this morning show's life (besides the day it was born and my heart felt fulfilled). Guys. You may know him from Deadpool, Deadpool 2, Clover Field, or my personal favorite, She's Out of My League. BUT, you might also know him from his journey to become one of the most sought-after comedians in the world. T.J. Miller was cool enough to agree to hang in person & co-host Krissy in the Morning on Q97.9 with me this Thursday, August 15, before he takes the stage later that evening at Portland House of Music.
Hopefully he doesn't read this before he gets here, or I'll ruin the surprise beer pong game I have set up for him in the studio, but here we are. You read that correctly. You can't interview one of the funniest people out there in a normal way; you gotta get creative. So tune in right at 7am to hear T.J. & I go head-to-head in Maine's first-ever, on-air beer pong tournament while I interview him and take calls from you guys.
Listen to the show live online or here on our app.
If you wanna join in on the show, comment some questions you want me to ask TJ, and I'll make sure we answer every single one of them. I'll disclaim this right now, it may not be the most sober radio show you've ever heard by the time 10 a.m rolls around, but it'll absolutely be the most fun one.
Drop your questions on Facebook or DM me on my Instagram. I'll be printing out every one of them and bringing them into the studio on Thursday!
If you've never heard of my dude, here's a little example of his funny:
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